letra chica

These letra chica and conditions govern your relationship with the http://ohscarf.com website operated by Hangzhou Ohscarf Textile Co.,Ltd (the "Service").

Please read these letra chica and conditions carefully before using the Services.

El Sitio y sus Servicios están destinados a ser utilizados por personas mayores de 16 años. Cualquier persona menor de 16 años tiene expresamente prohibido acceder o utilizar el Sitio o sus Servicios. Al acceder o utilizar el Sitio, usted declara y garantiza que tiene 16 años de edad o más.

Your access to and use of the Services is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with these letra chica. These letra chica apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Services.

By accessing or using the Services, you agree to be bound by these letra chica and accept all legal consequences. If you do not agree with all or part of these letra chica and conditions, please do not use the service.

1. Productos and Services

Cuando los usuarios personalicen productos en ohscarf, asegúrese de confirmar cuidadosamente la exactitud del tipo de producto, la cantidad, el color, el tamaño, el diseño y otra información, y verifique su dirección de contacto, número de teléfono, destinatario y otra información al realizar un pedido. Después de recibir el pedido, volveremos a verificar la información del pedido, pero no podemos juzgar si, por ejemplo, el color, los detalles de diseño, etc. son correctos, por lo que es importante enfatizar que Ohscarf no es responsable de los errores cometidos por el cliente durante el proceso de pedido.

2. Cotización, pago, pedido


Todas las cotizaciones de productos y servicios son válidas por 30 días.

A deposit or full payment must be made within 15 working days of order confirmation, after 15 working days, Ohscarf reserves the right to provide a new quote for the entire order if costs increase due to price increases in fabrics, shipping, etc.

Los precios que establecemos y mostramos en nuestro sitio web se muestran únicamente como precios de referencia. Los gastos de envío se muestran por separado. Es posible que de vez en cuando, a nuestra entera discreción, cambiemos nuestros precios y los reflejemos en el sitio web.

Pagos y pedidos

Our normal payment letra chica are 30% deposit must be paid prior to production and 70% final payment prior to dispatch, special rush orders may be paid in full prior to production.

After receipt of an order, we usually require 3-5 days including order scheduling, fabric pre-processing. Order processing time does not include delivery time. Due to many uncontrollable factors in the production, delivery times may be delayed from the times we have promised, with appropriate compensation based on the amount of the order if losses or expenses incurred by delays. However, we will not be liable for any loss or expense caused by delays due to courier, sea, air or other transportation.

Si la dirección de envío proporcionada para un pedido es incorrecta, Ohscarf se reserva el derecho de cobrar al cliente los gastos adicionales incurridos por el cambio de la dirección de entrega.

We may contact you by email or telephone to enquire or confirm your design before we proceed with the production of your order. If you do not respond to our enquiry, this may result in a delay in your order. If everything is in order during production, we may not contact you regarding your order.

3. Derecho a rechazar pedidos

Ohscarf se reserva el derecho de rechazar un pedido por razones legales o reglamentarias o si Ohscarf cree razonablemente que proporcionar el pedido puede dar lugar a una responsabilidad adicional para Ohscarf, como presuntas infracciones de las leyes de propiedad intelectual, riesgo adicional de fraude en el servicio o piratería.

4. Reembolsos y devoluciones

Reembolsos y cancelaciones

If Ohscarf does not start any step of production after the order has been placed, we will refund all costs of your order but not the resulting transaction or handling fees.

If Ohscarf has already completed one or more steps of the order, we will issue a refund after deducting the costs incurred, and we will not accept a refund if the order has already been completed.

Please note that we will maintain our normal order production schedule until we have received written confirmation of cancellation from you by email or phone.

Cambios y devoluciones

Al recibir su pedido, inspeccione cuidadosamente y confirme la calidad de todos los productos antes de venderlos o usarlos. Si cree que el producto no cumple con los estándares de calidad, comuníquese con nosotros dentro de los 30 días posteriores a la fecha de llegada y envíenos las fotos, videos y descripciones correspondientes. Esto nos permitirá investigar la causa del problema de calidad y atribuirle responsabilidades. Si no hemos recibido suficiente información para investigar adecuadamente el problema o si el pedido se le ha entregado mucho más de 30 días, no ofreceremos un reemplazo, reembolso o devolución.
Si se trata de un problema de calidad, reembolsaremos o reproduciremos el producto con los gastos de envío, manipulación y aduanas resultantes, pero tenga en cuenta que los problemas de calidad no incluyen ligeras diferencias de color, encogimiento (hasta un 10% para la mayoría de los tejidos, pero hasta un 20% para los tejidos elásticos) o sus sentimientos subjetivos, como que el tejido parezca fino, no es suave al tacto, etc.

5. Enlaces de terceros

This website may contain links to other websites, which may be owned or operated by third parties, We are not responsible for checking or evaluating the accuracy and security of the contents created by third parties. Any such link does not imply any form of cooperation with, or endorsement by Ohscarf. Accordingly, Ohscarf shall not be liable for any loss or damage that you or any third party may incur as a result of the use of such links.

6. Derechos de autor, uso, envío de contenido

You retain all intellectual property rights, including copyright, in content images that you upload to the website or send to us by email. We may remove any content or image at our sole discretion.

Images uploaded by you or by us on your behalf subsequently become customized products and may only be viewed by other users of the site and displayed in our website with your express permission.

It is recommended to make a backup copy of all content you provide to us. You may retain backup copies of content that you upload or email to us. We will not be responsible for retaining backups or for the loss, deletion or corruption of any content.

In any event, you shall ensure that the images and contents uploaded do not contain text or images that:

(a) para cualquier propósito ilegal.

(b) violar cualquier estatuto, regla, ley o reglamento supranacional, internacional, federal, provincial, estatal o local.

(c) harasses, abuses, insults, injures, defames, demeans, intimidates or discriminates on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, age, nationality or disability.

(d) dissemination of obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or incitement to crime.

(e) Infrinja la privacidad, el retrato, los derechos de autor y otros derechos legales de otros.

f) Insultar o difamar a otros, infringiendo sus legítimos derechos.

(g) contains content that is false, harmful, coercive, invasive of another's privacy, harassing, offensive, libelous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise morally objectionable.

Ohscarf reserves the right to terminate all cooperation in the event of a breach of this Agreement , and Ohscarf also reserves the right to make direct deductions from payments made by you for damages arising from such matters. In particular, while Ohscarf has the right to review and take down offending products, Ohscarf is under no obligation to review or ensure that User's products do not contain the foregoing on an individual basis.

7. Errores, inexactitudes, omisiones

Es posible que experimentemos retrasos en la actualización de la información del servicio y en la colocación de anuncios en otros sitios web, y no podemos garantizar ni garantizamos la exactitud o integridad de ninguna información, incluidos errores tipográficos, inexactitudes u omisiones relacionadas con los precios, las imágenes de los productos, las especificaciones, la disponibilidad, los costos de envío del servicio, los tiempos de tránsito y la disponibilidad. Nos reservamos el derecho de corregir cualquier error, inexactitud u omisión sin previo aviso.

A pesar de nuestros mejores esfuerzos, los productos o servicios ofrecidos en nuestros servicios pueden tener un precio incorrecto, una descripción inexacta o no estar disponibles.

8. Garantía, limitación de responsabilidad, indemnización

Ohscarf is responsible for providing the service to you "as is" and "as available". You use Ohscarf completely according to your own wishes and actions, and agree that the risks of using Ohscarf services are entirely borne by you, and all damages, losses, responsibilities and consequences arising from the use of Ohscarf by users are also borne by you, and Ohscarf is not liable to you any liability.

Ohscarf endeavours to provide the services in accordance with existing technical conditions and actual circumstances, but does not guarantee that the services will meet all of the user's requirements or that the services will not be changed, interrupted or terminated due to actual circumstances; Ohscarf does not guarantee the timeliness, security or accuracy of the services and the user shall not make any claim against Ohscarf in this regard.

Ohscarf does not guarantee the accuracy, legality or reliability of the content of the various advertisements, links, information, etc. provided by Ohscarf, and the advertisers shall be responsible for the related liability,  furthermore, any contact or commercial dealings between the User and the advertisers through the Ohscarf services shall be entirely between the user and the advertisers, and shall not be related to Ohscarf. Ohscarf shall not be liable for any damage or loss arising out of such commercial dealings.
The use of the Ohscarf Services to download or obtain any information shall be at the User's own consideration and risk and Ohscarf shall not be liable for any damage to the user's computer or mobile phone system or loss of data or other consequences arising from the download of any information.
Ohscarf will make reasonable efforts to carefully verify the complaints made by the User, but does not guarantee the authenticity and legality of the complaints that are eventually made public, and all legal responsibilities for the content of the complaints that violate the user's privacy, reputation and other legal rights shall be borne by the complainant.
Ohscarf shall not be liable for any interruptions in the services caused by force majeure or reasons beyond Ohscarf's control, but will endeavour to minimise the losses and effects caused to the User as a result.

In no event shall ohscarf's liability to you for any reason exceed the amount paid by you for the product or service for which ohscarf has incurred liability.
9. Aplicación de la ley, jurisdicción y varios

The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the formation, validity, interpretation, amendment, supplementation, termination, enforcement and dispute resolution of this Agreement, in the absence of any relevant provision of law, reference shall be made to commercial practices and/or industry practices.