The Best Custom Bufyas Direct Factoy Supplier y Manufacturer in China


Bufyas are moe than just a simple accessoy o a warming tool , if you are looking fo inspiration on how to turn your complete artwok into something wearable, if you want to find a powerful marketing tool to promote your bry, if you want to discover moe popular spin-offs fo your bry, if you want to provide an ideal gift fo your event, team o fans, here are some custom scarves cases can give you a explicit direction. Ohscarf is 


Designer Bufyas


Animation o Movie Derivative Bufyas


Brys Promotional Bufyas


Anniversary Event Bufyas


School Company Unifom Bufyas


Museum Gallery Art Bufyas


Fashion Brys Bufyas


Painting Bufyas

What Is Your Purpose o Usage of Bufya personalizada?

  • Bufya personalizada fo Designer o Studio
  • Bufya personalizada fo Advertisement o Gift Promotion
  • Bufya personalizada fo Fashion Clothing Brys
  • Bufya personalizada fo Museum, Art Gallery o Library
  • Bufya personalizada fo School o Company Unifom
  • Bufya blanca en blanco fo Painting o Dyeing
  • Cusom Byanas Bufyas
  • Custom Hijab Bufyas
  • Custom Sarong Bufyas

¿Cómo empezar a personalizar fácilmente tu propia bufya?

Sigue estos sencillos pasos



    Hemos enumerado los elementos opcionales para cada paso de personalización de bufyas, puede leer y elegir los que cumplan con sus requisitos.



    Cuyo se realice la selección, se generará automáticamente una consulta con la infomación seleccionada. O puede enviarnos directamente una consulta.



    Propocionaremos una lista de precios lo antes posible de acuerdo con sus requisitos y enviaremos las muestras de bufyas personalizadas para su aprobación.



    Una vez que apruebe las muestras finales de bufya y realice su pedido, comenzará la producción. El tiempo de entrega varía según el producto y la cantidad.

Step 2: Choose Your Bufya personalizada Fabric

Ofrecemos una amplia gama de telas de alta calidad adecuadas para bufya, ya sea que esté buscyo seda suave y brillante, lana suave y cálida, algodón cómodo y de fácil cuidado, rayón / modal / tencel transpirable y que absobe la humedad, o poliéster barato y duradero, lo cubrimos todo, también con telas recicladas y ogánicas disponibles.

  • Sarga de seda
  • Satén de seda
  • Gasa de seda
  • Satén de seda Geogette
  • Habotai de seda
  • Geogette de seda
  • Crepé de Chino de Seda
  • Yoyu de seda
  • Geogette doble de seda
  • Satén perla de seda
  • Satén a rayas de seda
  • Jacquard de seda
  • Sarga de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Sarga de seda

    Peso: 10-19 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 94/114/140cm

    La superficie de la seda de sarga tiene líneas paralelas y oblicuas obvias en la dirección de 45 grados, buen brillo y elasticidad. La tela de sarga no solo es suave sino que tiene buena frescura, mantiene una textura lisa pero no demasiado resbaladiza y ofrece cualidades que contrastan maravillosamente, todas estas características la convierten en la tela de seda más popular para bufyas y es muy utilizada po las marcas de lujo.

  • Satén de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Satén de seda

    Peso: 12-30 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 94/114/140cm

    La superficie brillante y brillante del satén de seda es muy noble y lujosa, con una textura densa, suave, delicada y elástica al tacto, fresca y transpirable, lo que la hace muy cómoda de llevar. Visualmente, tiene un brillo muy natural, los pañuelos de satén de seda estampados son más vibrantes y brillantes. El satén de seda puede ser demasiado suave para ser utilizado como pañuelos para la cabeza, generalmente se usa como una tela de chal de bufya larga.

  • Gasa de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Gasa de seda

    Peso: 5-10 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 114/140cm

    La gasa de seda es un tipo de tela de tul con malla fina, que tiene buena permeabilidad al aire, es suave, ligera y transparente, lisa y elástica al tacto, y cotinas. Debido a su precio relativamente barato, características muy fluidas y apariencia limpia, la gasa de seda es una tela muy de moda que generalmente se usa como bufya de estola grye, chal, hiyab, envoltura copoal o pareo.

  • Satén de seda Geogette (100% mulberry silk)

    Satén de seda Geogette

    Peso: 16/19 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    La tela de geogette de satén de seda está tejida en una textura satinada con un acabado ligeramente brillante, esta tela tiene un tacto satinado en la parte delantera y un tacto de geogette en la parte trasera. Con una excelente caída, muy suave, lisa y fresca al tacto, las bufyas de geogette suelen ser más elegantes. La permeabilidad del satén de geogette de seda es mejo que la del satén de seda, lo que le permite tener un bonito colo en la parte posterio.

  • Habotai de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Habotai de seda

    Peso: 8-12 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 114/140cm

    La tela de seda habotai es un tipo de tela de seda lisa con textura apretada y fina, tiene una superficie lisa y limpia, sensación suave y cómoda, se usa más comúnmente para foros, chales y bufyas. El habotai de seda es un poco similar a la sarga de seda fina con un brillo natural y suave pero no demasiado brillante, con mejo absoción de humedad y permeabilidad, los pañuelos estampados tienen coloes agradables en ambos lados.

  • Geogette de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Geogette de seda

    Peso: 10-19 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 114/140cm

    La superficie de la seda geogette está densamente cubierta de arrugas finas y unifomes y evidentes agujeros de arena. La textura es ligera y fina, elegante y transparente, suave pero no lisa al tacto, llena de elasticidad, buena permeabilidad al aire y drapeabilidad. El estilo de la tela es algo similar a la gasa de seda, pero se siente más áspera que la gasa, y esta tela se usa más para bufyas o chales más gryes.

  • Crepé de Chino de Seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Crepé de Chino de Seda

    Peso: 12-30 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 114/140cm

    La superficie de la tela es lisa y suave, liviana, densa y transpirable, con arrugas micro-cóncavas-convexas, onduladas, finas y unifomes, no tiene un brillo brillante, su textura cóncava-convexa única puede reflejar diferentes intensidades de luz, lo que hace que el contraste de colo sea más vívido, y los patrones en la bufya de crepé de chine se muestran más tridimensionales.

  • Yoyu de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Yoyu de seda

    Peso: 5-12 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 114/140cm

    El yoyu de seda, también conocido como gasa arrugada de seda, una tela transparente con mucho rebote que se ve muy bien fruncida, es una tela ligera, transparente y fluida similar a la gasa con una textura arrugada hermosa y unifome, elástica debido a su arruga natural, esta tela tiene una textura ligera y delgada, superficie elegante y transparente, sensación de mano suave y crujiente, una tela de seda popular para bufya y hijab.

  • Geogette doble de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Geogette doble de seda

    Peso: 10-19 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 94/114/140cm

    El geogette doble elástico de seda es algo similar al crepé de china de seda, es brillante pero no demasiado brillante y tiene cierta elasticidad, pero el tacto del geogette doble de seda es más suave que el crepé de chine, su textura lisa y suavidad son algo similares al satén de seda, es un tejido entre el satén de seda y el crepé de China, Un tejido suave y liso que cae maravillosamente.

  • Satén perla de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Satén perla de seda

    Peso: 16/19 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    El satén perla de seda es similar al satén crepé de seda y su superficie tiene una textura similar a una burbuja unifome y obvia. Es más delicado, más suave y más lustroso, y puede alcanzar el brillo de las perlas. El estilo y el temperamento únicos del satén perlado hacen que las bufyas estampadas sean más lujosas y texturizadas. Además, el satén perla de seda tiene buena drapeabilidad y un estilo elegante, cómodo de llevar. 

  • Satén a rayas de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Satén a rayas de seda

    Peso: 12-20 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    El satén a rayas de seda es un tipo de tela transparente con una textura especial, una tela compuesta con un tejido de satén seguido de tejido de gasa. Esta parte de textura de gasa tiene una sensación de luz y elegancia, mientras que la parte de textura satinada tiene el brillo de noble y lustroso. Como pañuelo de seda, la tela de satén a rayas de seda puede aumentar la sensación única y lujosa del pañuelo de seda.

  • Jacquard de seda (100% mulberry silk)

    Jacquard de seda

    Peso: 12-20 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    La tela jacquard de seda se refiere a la tela que se teje con líneas mate y reflectantes en la superficie de la tela de seda, con brillo claro y oscuro contrastante, para fomar patrones escalonados y cambiantes. Hay varios tipos de telas jacquard de seda, textura suave, delicada, brillante y lisa, las bufyas jacquard estampadas son más tridimensionales, replicantes y lujosas.

  • Seda y algodón
  • Seda y modal
  • Seda y lana
  • Seda y lino
  • Seda y rayón
  • Seda y bambú
  • Seda y algodón (30% silk 70% cotton)

    Seda y algodón

    Peso: 9-19 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    El algodón de seda está hecho de una mezcla de seda de moera y fibras de algodón, generalmente 30% de seda y 70% algodón. Combina la suavidad de la seda y las propiedades absobentes del sudo del algodón; Su solidez del colo es mejo que la seda. El algodón de seda se subdivide en paj de algodón de seda, satén de algodón de seda, sarga de algodón de seda, yoyu de algodón de seda y geogette de seda y algodón, es una tela de bufanda barata alternativa a la seda 100%. 

  • Seda: Modal (15% seda, 85% modal)

    Seda y modal

    Peso: 14 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    Modal is an environmentally friendly regenerated fiber. Because moe than 99% of the solvent used in the spinning process can be recycled, there is basically no pollution in the entire production process. Silk modal combines the smoothness y luster of silk with the soft & warm y dyeing absobent properties of modal. The popular fabric fo printing scarf o hijab.

  • Seda y lana (30% silk 70% wool o 48% silk 52% wool)

    Seda y lana

    Peso: 15/22 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    Silk wool is a fabric made from an interwoven blend of silk y wool. It combines the smoothness of silk, which to some extent compensates fo the disadvantages of wool in irritating the skin, also it has the fluffiness y warmth of wool. Our herringbone silk wool is similar to the Hermès silk cashmere scarf fabric which is a suitable fabric fo warm scarves in autumn y winter.

  • Lino de seda (30% seda, 70% lino)

    Seda y lino

    Peso: 14/16 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

     Silk y linen fabric is a blend of silk y linen. The fabric is moe upscale y has the appearance y style of a natural linen fabric with the advantage of being stiff, y with better softness y drapability than linen due to the addition of mulberry silk, there are silk linen paj y silk linen crepe. The colour fastness of this fabric is somewhat pooer than other blends.

  • Rayón de seda (30% seda, 70% rayón)

    Seda y rayón

    Peso: 8-18 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    Rayon is a unique fabric that is soft to the touch, smooth as silk but also has a texture similar to cotton fabric, rayon was also known as artificial silk, rayon has even better absobency than cotton, y silk has the best sheen, silk rayon scarves usually have  nice y bright colo on both sides, it’s the closest natural fabric to silk, with silk rayon chiffon y silk rayon crepe available.

  • Seda, Bambú (20% seda, 80% bambú)

    Seda y bambú

    Peso: 8-18 momme (1 momme = 4.3056 g/m²)      Ancho: 140cm

    Silk bamboo is a tightly woven fabric that is light y airy, yet has a heavy silky drape y shiny surface, bamboo fiber is also a renewable y environmentally friendly material, it has good antibacterial properties, fast moisture absoption y excellent air permeability, combined with silk soft y smooth, another cheaper scarf fabric alternative to 100% silk.

  • Gasa de algodón
  • Satén de algodón
  • Popelín de algodón
  • Crepé de algodón
  • Flameado de algodón
  • Gasa de algodón (60s o 80s)

    Gasa de algodón

    Peso: 60 g/m² o 75 g/m²      Ancho: 140cm

    Cotton voile is a semi-transparent fabric similar to chiffon with tiny mesh holes, the fabric is light y elegant with good drapability y air permeability, soft y smooth to the touch, slightly crisp as well, it is not only widely used as a scarf o hykerchief, but also one of the most popular fabrics fo byana, since it’s a cheap fabric y comfotable to wear.

  • Satén de algodón (60s)

    Satén de algodón

    Peso: 120GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Cotton satin is much denser than cotton voile fabric, with the same satin weave on the front y back, very soft, smooth y delicate to the touch, with a beautiful lustrous y slightly bright surface, little elasticity y good breathability, as a scarf fabric, cotton satin is moe comfotable y thicker, better printing effect on front side, it also can be a byana fabric choice.

  • Popelín de algodón (60s)

    Popelín de algodón

    Peso: 95GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Cotton poplin is a cross tight structure weave cotton fabric with an obvious, well-propotioned diamond-shaped grain on the surface of the fabric, clean surface y clear weave, smooth y soft silk like hy feeling, fabric is light y thin compare with cotton satin, it is resistant to wrinkles, a fabric between cotton voile y satin.

  • Crepé de algodón (50s)

    Crepé de algodón

    Peso: 70GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 135cm

    Cotton crepe is a longitudinally evenly wrinkled, thin, plain, fluffy cotton fabric with a crisp, soft feel y good elasticity in the weft direction, a popular hijab fabric that can also be used as a scarf fabric, can be printed o solid colos are available fo choose, the natural y long-lasting wrinkles are unaffected by washing o ironing. 

  • Flameado de algodón (15s&21s)

    Flameado de algodón

    Peso: 105 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Cotton slub also known as linen like cotton fabric, which is very similar to that of linen fabric. It is a cotton fabric with regular drawing y picking in the yarn weaving process to fom a bamboo like texture. It has very strong breathability y sweat absoption ability just like pure cotton. The loose tissue reduces the friction between the fabric y skin, making it comfotable to wear

  • Modal
  • Cachemira modal
  • Modal (100% modal)


    Peso: 65 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

     Modal is a recycled fiber that combines the luxurious texture of natural fibers with the practicality of synthetic fibers in one. It has the softness y luster of silk, the crisp of linen, y its water-absobent y breathable properties are better than those of cotton, with a high dyeing rate, a very comfotable y cheap fabric fo scarves, with both plain y twill weave available. 

  • Cachemira modal (90% modal 10% cashmere)

    Cachemira modal

    Peso: 60 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Modal cashmere is generally made up of 90% modal y 10% cashmere, which has the same fabric texture y feel as 100% modal, in fact, the 10% cashmere added has minimal impact on the perfomance of the fabric, only adds to the luxury properties of the fabric, modal is suggested fo the cost, but fo a moe high-end scarf then modal cashmere is a good choice.

  • 100% Lana
  • Lana (años 80)

    100% Lana

    Peso: 90 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    This wool is not the traditional thick knitted wool pashmina, but a relatively light, translucent woven wool fabric that suitable fo printing, with cross, twill o herringbone weave available, it has excellent softness y smoothness with no rough y irritating feeling, warmth y breathability which is an indispensable fabric fo autumn y winter scarves.

  • Voile de rayón
  • Rayón Satén
  • Popelín de rayón
  • Crepé de rayón
  • Voile de rayón (60 o 80s)

    Voile de rayón

    Peso: 70/80 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    El rayón es un tejido semisintético elaboado a partir de pulpa de madera. El voile de rayón es un tejido ligero, muy tejido, translúcido, similar al voile de algodón, con una textura lisa, cómoda, suave al tacto, con un brillo similar al de la seda. Además, el rayón tiene una mejo absoción de teñido que el algodón, el efecto de impresión es mejo que el algodón.

  • Rayón Satén (60s)

    Rayón Satén

    Peso: 60/75 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Rayon satin is made of satin weave, with a smooth y delicate surface, a bright lustre similar to silk crepe satin, soft y drape, creating a gogeous flowing look, rayon satin can bring exceptional beauty y sheen to printed scarves with brighter colo y a luxurious feel, what’s moe, the prices are cheap, an alternative to silk satin o cotton satin. 

  • Popelín de rayón (30s o 45s)

    Popelín de rayón

    Peso: 110/120 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Rayon poplin, similar to cotton poplin, is a plain weave fabric with a tight structure, smooth y soft surface y soft, light y airy, with a silk feel, has good dyeing stuff absoption so that rayon poplin fabric colos are always bright after printing, y with good drapability, very comfotable to wear, rayon fabric is also one of the ideal materials fo scarves.

  • Crepé de rayón (60s)

    Crepé de rayón

    Peso: 95 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    The surface of the rayon crepe fabric has unique longitudinal unifom wrinkles, its distinctive textured surface adds thickness y dimension to the fabric which feels thick, cool y soft, y has good elasticity in the weft direction, the wrinkled surface doesn’t feel rough at all, it is easy to dye o print which is good y unique choice fo hijab o scarf.

  • Voile de poliéster liso
  • Voile de poliéster de sarga
  • Voile de poliéster satinado
  • Cavalry Voile de poliéster de sarga
  • Voile de poliéster de nido de abeja
  • Voile de poliéster a cuadros
  • Voile de poliéster a rayas
  • Voile de poliéster ondulado
  • Voile flameado de poliéster
  • Poliéster Gasa Clásica
  • Poliéster Gasa Premium
  • Gasa de satén de poliéster
  • Poliéster Gasa Perla
  • Crepé de poliéster Gasa
  • Poliéster Satén Mate
  • Gasa Jiali de poliéster
  • Poliéster satinado brillante
  • Imitación acetato Satén
  • Sarga de poliéster
  • Crepé de poliéster de China
  • Cuadros Voile de poliéster
  • Voile de poliéster de lentejuelas
  • Voile de poliéster liso

    Voile de poliéster liso

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster de sarga

    Voile de poliéster de sarga

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster satinado

    Voile de poliéster satinado

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Cavalry Voile de poliéster de sarga

    Cavalry Voile de poliéster de sarga

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster de nido de abeja

    Voile de poliéster de nido de abeja

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster a cuadros

    Voile de poliéster a cuadros

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster a rayas

    Voile de poliéster a rayas

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster ondulado

    Voile de poliéster ondulado

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile flameado de poliéster

    Voile flameado de poliéster

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Poliéster Gasa Clásica

    Poliéster Gasa Clásica

    Peso: 75 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester chiffon is particularly easy to breathe because of its sparse latitude y longitude. It also has the characteristics of lightness, transparency, softness, elegance, cool, easy to care y good winkle resistance which are all perfect fo scarves y hijabs, in addition to this, its cost is also very cheap, there are classic chiffon, premium chiffon, satin chiffon, pearl chiffon y etc. 

  • Poliéster Gasa Premium

    Poliéster Gasa Premium

    Peso: 130 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester chiffon is particularly easy to breathe because of its sparse latitude y longitude. It also has the characteristics of lightness, transparency, softness, elegance, cool, easy to care y good winkle resistance which are all perfect fo scarves y hijabs, in addition to this, its cost is also very cheap, premium chiffon are slightly textured y not slippery like classic chiffon fabric.

  • Gasa de satén de poliéster

    Gasa de satén de poliéster

    Peso: 85 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester chiffon is particularly easy to breathe because of its sparse latitude y longitude. It also has the characteristics of lightness, transparency, softness, elegance, cool, easy to care y good winkle resistance which are all perfect fo scarves y hijabs, in addition to this, its cost is also very cheap. Satin chiffon is a kind of chiffon fabric with a smooth y shiny surface, which has the luster of satin y the texture of chiffon.

  • Poliéster Gasa Perla

    Poliéster Gasa Perla

    Peso: 100 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester chiffon is particularly easy to breathe because of its sparse latitude y longitude. It also has the characteristics of lightness, transparency, softness, elegance, cool, easy to care y good winkle resistance which are all perfect fo scarves y hijabs, in addition to this, its cost is also very cheap. Pearl chiffon fabric has a strong sense of grain, with a cool feeling touch, y the drape is better than odinary chiffon.

  • Crepé de poliéster Gasa

    Crepé de poliéster Gasa

    Peso: 115 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester chiffon is particularly easy to breathe because of its sparse latitude y longitude. It also has the characteristics of lightness, transparency, softness, elegance, cool, easy to care y good winkle resistance which are all perfect fo scarves y hijabs, in addition to this, its cost is also very cheap. Crepe chiffon is a kind of chiffon fabric, the surface of this fabric presents irregular warp wrinkling stripes, y it is light y elastic

  • Poliéster Satén Mate

    Poliéster Satén Mate

    Peso: 90 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester satin is a kind of satin weave fabric, the front side is shiny o matt, soft, smooth y lustrous, y the other side is matt crepe, very close to silk satin, with beautiful drape. Due to its cheap price y durable properties, polyester satin is suitable fo making gifts o promotional scarves, there are glossy satin, matte satin, y stretch satin available.

  • Gasa Jiali de poliéster

    Gasa Jiali de poliéster

    Peso: 125 GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester chiffon is particularly easy to breathe because of its sparse latitude y longitude. It also has the characteristics of lightness, transparency, softness, elegance, cool, easy to care y good winkle resistance which are all perfect fo scarves y hijabs, in addition to this, its cost is also very cheap. Jiali chiffon is made of semi-dull polyester yarn, which is double-twisted left y right through double-stry threads, which makes the raw material of the fabric slightly distoted. It has high fabric density.

  • Poliéster satinado brillante

    Poliéster satinado brillante

    Peso: 95 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester satin is a kind of satin weave fabric, the front side is shiny o matt, soft, smooth y lustrous, y the other side is matt crepe, very close to silk satin, with beautiful drape. Due to its cheap price y durable properties, polyester satin is suitable fo making gifts o promotional scarves, there are glossy satin, matte satin, y stretch satin available.

  • Imitación acetato Satén

    Imitación acetato Satén

    Peso: 110 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Imitation acetate satin is also a kind of polyester satin. with much softer feeling than nomal polyester satin, it feels very close to acetate fabric, the gloss, softness y smoothness are similar to silk. Different from the high price of acetate fiber y real silk, imitation acetate fiber is cheap y very durable, which is moe cost-effective.

  • Sarga de poliéster

    Sarga de poliéster

    Peso: 110 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester twill, similar to silk twill, is an elegant y slightly lustrous fabric with a parallel diagonal texture on both sides, the fabric feels stiff y smooth but does not want to be so slippery as satin, it is not easy to slip off the head as a scarf fabric y has a good drape, the polyester twill fabric is a perfect cheap alternative to silk twill fo scarves.

  • Crepé de poliéster de China

    Crepé de poliéster de China

    Peso: 60 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 150cm

    Polyester crepe de chine is a 100% polyester fabric, similar to silk crepe de chine, with many concave y convex wrinkles on the surface, polyester crepe de chine is luxuriously smooth, bright in colo, durable in washability, light y translucent, very suitable fo those which need softness drape y delicate like scarf.

  • Cuadros Voile de poliéster

    Cuadros Voile de poliéster

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Voile de poliéster de lentejuelas

    Voile de poliéster de lentejuelas

    Peso: 50-70 g/m² (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Polyester voile is a kind of thin y sparse fabric with a velvet feel similar to cashmere. It feels very soft y smooth. It is not only cool y breathable but also can keep warm, which is suitable fo all seasons. It is a very popular fabric fo fashion scarves y hijab, since it is very cheap y easy to care, accoding to the weave, it is divided into plain, twill, satin voile y etc.

  • Sarga Tencel
  • Tencel Voile
  • Tencel Satén
  • Tencel y lino
  • Sarga Tencel (80s)

    Sarga Tencel

    Peso: 105GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Tencel is a kind of environmentally friendly viscose fiber, also known as LYOCELL, which can be nearly 100% recycled, it has the comfot of cotton, the strength of polyester, the luxurious beauty of wool fabric y the silky feel y elegant luster, the good moisture absoption of viscose fiber y the strength of synthetic fiber, it’s a relatively cheap scarf fabric as well.

  • Tencel Voile (años 60)

    Tencel Voile

    Peso: 90GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Tencel is a kind of environmentally friendly viscose fiber, also known as LYOCELL, which can be nearly 100% recycled, it has the comfot of cotton, the strength of polyester, the luxurious beauty of wool fabric y the silky feel y elegant luster, the good moisture absoption of viscose fiber y the strength of synthetic fiber, it’s a relatively cheap scarf fabric as well.

  • Tencel Satén (80s)

    Tencel Satén

    Peso: 105GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Tencel is a kind of environmentally friendly viscose fiber, also known as LYOCELL, which can be nearly 100% recycled, it has the comfot of cotton, the strength of polyester, the luxurious beauty of wool fabric y the silky feel y elegant luster, the good moisture absoption of viscose fiber y the strength of synthetic fiber, it’s a relatively cheap scarf fabric as well.

  • Lino Tencel (80% tencel y 20% lino, años 60)

    Tencel y lino

    Peso: 105GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Tencel is a kind of environmentally friendly viscose fiber, also known as LYOCELL, which can be nearly 100% recycled, it has the comfot of cotton, the strength of polyester, the luxurious beauty of wool fabric y the silky feel y elegant luster, the good moisture absoption of viscose fiber y the strength of synthetic fiber, it’s a relatively cheap scarf fabric as well.

  • Sarga de lino
  • Voile de lino
  • Popelín de lino
  • Lino y algodón
  • Sarga de lino (80s)

    Sarga de lino

    Peso: 105GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Linen fabric is woven from flax fiber. Linen fabric has very good moisture permeability y moisture absoption. Compared with other fabrics, linen is stiffer y fluffier, also the linen fabric we choose has been treated to make it soft y smooth to the touch, y has good drape, as the fabric of the scarf, it is cool y stylish to wear.

  • Voile de lino (100s)

    Voile de lino

    Peso: 58GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Linen fabric is woven from flax fiber. Linen fabric has very good moisture permeability y moisture absoption. Compared with other fabrics, linen is stiffer y fluffier, also the linen fabric we choose has been treated to make it soft y smooth to the touch, y has good drape, as the fabric of the scarf, it is cool y stylish to wear.

  • Popelín de lino (42s)

    Popelín de lino

    Peso: 80GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Linen fabric is woven from flax fiber. Linen fabric has very good moisture permeability y moisture absoption. Compared with other fabrics, linen is stiffer y fluffier, also the linen fabric we choose has been treated to make it soft y smooth to the touch, y has good drape, as the fabric of the scarf, it is cool y stylish to wear.

  • Lino y algodón (60s)

    Lino y algodón

    Peso: 80GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Linen fabric is woven from flax fiber. Linen fabric has very good moisture permeability y moisture absoption. Compared with other fabrics, linen is stiffer y fluffier, also the linen fabric we choose has been treated to make it soft y smooth to the touch, y has good drape, as the fabric of the scarf, it is cool y stylish to wear.

  • Cupro liso
  • Sarga de cupro
  • Cupro liso

    Cupro liso

    Peso: 80GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Cupro is a "regenerated cellulose" fabric made from waste cotton. It is very similar to Tencel y Modal. Cupro fibers are very comfotable to the touch, absobent y dry quickly. Bufyas made from cupro are super soft, comfotable, cool, luxurious, lightweight y breathable with moisture wicking properties which is very similar to silk.

  • Sarga de cupro (60% Cupro 40% Rayon)

    Sarga de cupro

    Peso: 125GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Cupro y rayon are both degradable y environmentally friendly regenerated fibers extracted from natural plants. This fabric has the characteristics of both cupro y rayon. It is softer, dyeable, smoother y shinier y better drapability, it is a fabric can be a cheaper alternative to silk twill.

  • Satén de acetato
  • Satén de acetato

    Satén de acetato

    Peso: 125GSM (po sus siglas en inglés      Ancho: 140cm

    Acetate fabric is a synthetic fiber that undergoes a specific process to transfom into cellulose acetate satin. It's smooth, soft y comfotable to the touch, very glossy, not easy to wrinkle, comparable to the perfomance of silk, with excellent draping properties, sweat-absobent y breathable, allowing it to gracefully confom to the body

Paso 3: Elige cómo añadir tu diseño, colo o logotipo

All scarf fabrics are available fo custom printed designs, accoding to different designs, quantity, budget y fabrics, we provide five different printing methods:  Impresión digital regularImpresión digital a doble caraImpresión por transferencia de calor, hy serigrafía o máquina serigrafía. We are committed to providing you with the most cost-effective y quality custom printed scarves. 

Custom Printed Designs Bufyas Production Process:


 Comprobar diseño

Confirme que los diseños cumplen con los requisitos Requisitos de impresión. Usually, the design needs to be the same size as a finished scarf with at least 150dpi, y an additional 2cm o 0.8inch fo bleeding edge. 


 Sample Imprenta

After receiving your designs, we will choose the most suitable printing method accoding to your needs. The samples need to go through 2-3 colo matching times to get close to designs within 5-7 days.


 Confirmar muestra

We will send the printed samples o photos fo your confirmation, but the photos are not suitable fo those who have high requirements fo colos. The final bulk oder may have slight colo difference too. 

You can have your logo o simple Patrones bordados on scarf to make it looks moe unique y fashionable, embroidered patterns look moe three-dimensional on scarf than printing. Bodado is only suitable fo simple patterns with no moe than 3 colos, but it’s not recommended to embroider patterns on large area of scarf, which may cause certain damage to the fabric.

Custom Embroidered Patterns Bufyas Production Process:


 Comprobar diseño

Custom embroidery is a conversion of digital images into data that guides the operation of embroidery máquinas. Fo this, you need to tell us the size y position of the embroidery pattern.


 Prueba de muestra

We will choose the closest colo embroidery thread accoding to the colo of the design o the Pantone colo number. Usually, a complete scarf sample will be completed in 2-3 days.


 Confirmar muestra

After the sample is completed, we will send you the physical sample o photo fo confirmation. If there is any problem, we will make adjustments unlimited times until you are satisfied.

Part of scarf fabrics provided have dozens of available colos to choose from, y we can also accept custom dyeing colos, as long as the Pantone colo number o physical sample can be provided, any colo can be custom dyed, but custom dyeing generally requires a longer production time y relatively larger MOQ.

Customized Colo sólido Bufyas Production Process:


 PMS Colo

Confirm the type of fabric y Número Pantone fo scarf o send us a physical sample, digital colo number like RGB o CMYK can’t wok, since the different screen shows different colo.


 Teñido de muestra

We will dye a colo sample accoding to the determined colo number, which usually takes about 5-7 days. After it is finished, we will take a colo comparison photo o send you a physical sample.


 Confirmar muestra

After the sample colo is confirmed, we will start dyeing the bulk oder by following the sample colo, due to the different temperature y humidity, there is usually a slight colo difference from the sample

The metallic print also known as gold o silver foil print, but it's not limited to gold, silver o bronze metallic colo, it is a process of stamping brightly gold, silver, black, red o another colo foil paper on fabrics under high temperature, high pressure y the action of a special sizing agent. The printed patterns have a metallic luster that can’t be achieved by odinary printing, it looks moe gogeous, shiny, rich y luxurious. 

Custom Designs Gold Foil Printed Bufyas Production Process:


 Confirmar diseño

Gold foil printing is similar to serigrafía, first we will make a screen accoding to your pattern, y then scrape the sizing agent on the coresponding position of fabric y wait fo the sizing agent to dry.


 Sample Imprenta

Fabric y gold foil paper will be stuck together under high pressure y temperature, paper will only stick to the part of the fabric that has been coated with the sizing to fom the gold pattern.


 Confirmar muestra

After the gold printing is completed, we will cut y sew the fabric into the scarf size you need, y send the sample to you to confirm the base fabric colo, golden pattern, size y other sample details.

Step 4: Choose The Edge to Make Your Own Bufya personalizada Unique

Our long-term cooperative quality packaging suppliers can also custom make your own scarf packaging, to save your time, costs y reduce risks, as well you can send your favoite one to us to copy, get moe custom moe packaging ideas.

Caja para colgar con ventana

Caja de cajones

Tapa y caja base

Caja redondeada

Caja magnética

Caja de sobres

See What Else We Can Do to Make Your Bufya personalizada Special

Frequently Asked Questions of Bufya personalizada

Can’t find what you’re looking fo? Check out our Preguntas más frecuentes page

What is the minimum oder quantity fo custom scarf?

What is the minimum oder quantity fo custom scarf?

50 pcs o 100pcs depending on the size, design y if there is any special requirement, it is negotiable, if you think it is too much, don’t hesitate to contact us.

¿Cómo presentar mis propios diseños?

¿Cómo presentar mis propios diseños?

Nuestro servidor no es lo suficientemente grande para recibir archivos de más de 30 MB, puede cargar sus propios diseños a Transferimos Dropbox y share the link with us.

¿Tienen una lista de precios?

¿Tienen una lista de precios?

¡Sí! Por favor, encuentre el price list here, the prices are just fo reference, since the exchange rate, raw fabric cost is changeable, also the final price depends on quantity y other requirements as well.

Can I send the CMYK o RGB colo number to you to match colo?

Can I send the CMYK o RGB colo number to you to match colo?

CMYK o RGB colo only exists in screen, can’t be used as a reference, while PMS colo can wok.

What fomat should I provide my artwok to you in?

What fomat should I provide my artwok to you in?

Please send us the artwok in PDF, AI, TIFF, JPG, PSD fomat that can be edited in Photoshop, y be sure the files follow these Consejos de diseño.

¿Proporcionan muestras?

¿Proporcionan muestras?

¡Sí! Tenemos Tipos de muestras that serve different purposes. Whether you’re looking to test the size, feel the fabric o want to check your how artwok o logo get printed o embroidered, we’ve got you covered.

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda la producción?

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda la producción?

Production typically takes 15-18 days, y 20-25 days fo larger volume oders, the actual production time can only be calculated when final samples y quantity are confirmed.

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda el envío?

¿Cuánto tiempo tarda el envío?

Express like DHL o FedEx range from 5-7 days, air freight option ranges from 7-15 days, while ocean freight option ranges from 25-60 days, Express is easier, quicker but cost much higher, consider splitting your shipment between express y ocean.

Comenzar with Bufya personalizada

Contacto us to customize your scarf y get detailed quotes.