Biodegradable Packaging Bags for Custom Scarves

What are Biodegradable Packaging Bags?

Biodegradable packaging bags are packaging bags made of biodegradable plastics, which have similar characteristics to ordinary plastic bags.

1. What is biodegradable plastic?

Biodegradable plastics refer to the degradation caused by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria, mold and algae in nature under natural conditions such as soil and/or sandy soil, and finally completely degraded into carbon dioxide (CO₂) or/and methane (CH₄), water (H₂O) and mineralized inorganic salts of the elements they contain, and inorganic salts, etc.

PLA+PBAT plastic is a kind of biodegradable plastic.

2. What is PLA?

Polylactic acid (PLA) is a novel biodegradable material made from starch raw materials proposed from renewable plant such as corn. It has good biodegradability and can be completely degraded by microorganisms in nature after use, eventually producing carbon dioxide and water without polluting the environment, which is very beneficial to protecting the environment and is recognized as an environmentally friendly material. Ordinary plastics are still treated by incineration, causing a large amount of greenhouse gases to be discharged into the air, while polylactic acid plastics are buried in the soil for degradation, and the carbon dioxide produced directly enters the soil or is absorbed by plants, and will not be discharged into the air. Does not cause greenhouse effect.

3. What is PBAT?

PBAT is a highly biodegradable polymer that completely breaks down when composted, leaving no toxic residue. PBAT takes approximately 60-120 days to decompose in an ideal composting environment, while plastic takes over 400 years! PBAT also does not release any toxic gases into the environment when it decomposes and leaves no micro-plastics behind as it is a fully biodegradable polymer. When PBAT is in a landfill environment, it takes longer to decompose (eg years, depending on the environment), but this is still much shorter than plastic.

4. How is it different from ordinary plastic bags?

Different from ordinary fully transparent packaging bags, degradable plastic packaging bags are milky white, frosted and translucent, and degradable plastic packaging bags are softer and have better elasticity.